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QST…QST…QST…Calling all radio amateurs.  This is   (your call sign)  ,   (your name)   located in   (your town)  , acting as net control for this session of the Trinity County Amateur Radio Club net.  This net meets each Wednesday at 19:30 hours on the repeater output frequency 146.73 megahertz located on Hayfork Bally, with back up repeater on the output frequency 146.925 on Bully Choop Mountain.  

(Unkey microphone and pause 5 seconds)

 The purpose of this net is to keep members updated on items of interest to the group, and for further dissemination of information relating to the club and its goals.   It is also our weekly ARES net.  This is a directed net, and all stations are requested to check in with net control prior to conducting any traffic.

 Any Emergency or Priority traffic should break the net at the earliest opportunity and stations are reminded to pause between transmissions in case there is emergency traffic.  Is there any emergency or priority traffic at this time? 

(Listen for replies, if no traffic, continue below)

 Hearing none, net control will now call the active net role according to the current TCARC member roster and guests will be welcome immediately after.  If your call is not announced, please check in with the missed members and guest check-in.      

(Call role, keep log of check-ins)

Are there any late or missed member check-ins?  Check in now.  (Keep log)

Are there any guest check-ins?  Check in now.  (Keep log)

I will now go back to the top of the list for your reports. 

(Call each member in roll-call order for reports, then each late or missed member, then each guest check in for reports.)

Are there any further late or missed member check-ins?  Check in now.   (Keep log)

Are there any further guest check-ins?  Check in now.    (Keep log)

(Call each late or missed member and/or guest for report. After hearing all reports, continue next line)

Is there any further news or any additional announcements?  

(After all additional traffic, continue below)

Hearing no further news or announcements, this is   (your call sign)   (your name)   closing the Trinity County Amateur Radio Club net at ____________ hours.  The 146.730 megahertz frequency is now clear for regular Amateur use.  We will now do a quick check-in on 146.925 and finish the net there.  Please QSY to 146.925 and I will call the role again in 1 minute. 

(Move to 146.925 repeater)

QST…QST…QST…Calling all radio amateurs.  This is   (your call sign)  ,   (your name)   located in   (your town)   acting as net control for this session of the Trinity County Amateur Radio Club net.  This net meets each Wednesday on the repeater output frequency 146.925, immediately following the regular 146.730 net.  I will take role of stations that checked in on the 73 net and additional stations should check in after.

(Call out in rapid order, check-ins from the 146.730 megahertz check-in list just recorded).

Are there any late or missed member check-ins?  Check in now.

Are there any guest check-ins?  Check in now.

(If there is to be a HF Net, make that announcement now and move to page 2 after closing this net on 146.925.)

Is there any further news or any announcements?   (After all additional traffic, continue below)

 Hearing no further news or announcements, this is   (your call sign)  ,   (your name)   closing the Trinity County Amateur Radio Club net at ____________ hours.  The 146.925 megahertz frequency is now clear for regular Amateur use.