• 145.45- MHz Red Bluff is the designated VHF repeater for District 1 and 2 ARES leaders to coordinate mutual-aid, and for administrative purposes. Alternate: 444.950+ (110.9) Red Bluff
  • 146.91- (91.5) MHZ Fredonyer Peak – District 1 and 2 (northeastern CA – Lassen / Modoc).
  • 146.085+ (127.3) MHz Sutter Buttes is the designated VHF repeater for District 3 and 4 ARES leaders to coordinate mutual-aid, and for administrative purposes.


  • 3987 kHz (+ or -) LSB is the primary HF frequency.
  • 7232 kHz (+ or -) LSB is the secondary HF frequency.
  • 1982 kHz (+ or -) LSB is the alternate nighttime HF frequency.
  • NOTE: 3992, 7230, & 1987 kHz are California OES – ACS frequencies.


  • 147.42 MHz FM simplex is the unofficial national frequency for ARES / American Red Cross communications.
  • 147.57 MHz FM simplex has been adopted in some areas as the ARES / SAR frequency.
  • NOTE- DIGITAL communications will be on normal established channels selected by the digital operators on duty.


EMERGENCY NET AND CALLING FREQUENCIESmergency Net and Calling Frequencies:

  • Northern California ARES Net Frequency: 3.987 MHz. (down) Alternate: 7.232 MHz. (up) and 1.982 MHz. (down)
  • ARES/American Red Cross 2 Meter simplex: 147.420 MHz.
  • National Calling and Wilderness Protocol 146.520 MHz.
  • NOTE- Wilderness Protocol: Hams in or near remote areas monitor 146.520 simplex (alternates: 446.000 MHz., 223.500 MHz., 52.525 MHz., and 1294.500 MHz.) a minimum of FIVE (5) minutes every three hours for Emergency or priority traffic starting at 0700L daily. (E.g. 0700-0705, 1000-1005, etc.) Every hour continuous if possible. Ref. June 1996 QST page 85 for more information.ARES NETS:
    • ARES Regional and State Nets
      • OR-Nor Cal-NV “5-1-2” ARES Leadership Net Wednesday at 1930L 3.987 MHz.
      • Washington State ARES/RACES Net Monday at 1830L 3.987 MHz.
      • Sonoma and Mendocino Coast OA Tuesday at 1930L 3.915 MHz.
      • Oregon ARES/RACES Net Wednesday at 2000L 3.993.5 MHz.
      • Oregon Emergency Net Daily at 1800L 3.980 MHz.
      • California Counties ARES Simplex Frequencies and ARES Net(s) For emergencies, traffic, or just check in to say “hello” when visiting these counties.
        • Lassen County (146.565 MHz.) Net: Thursday at 1830L 3.987 MHz. 146.880MHz.* – (after HF Net)
        • Modoc County (147.480 MHz.) Net: Tuesday at 1900L 146.970 MHz.-
        • Mono County (147.420 MHz.) Net: Thursday at 2000L 146.880 – MHz. (pl 151.4 Hz.)
        • Shasta County (146.595 MHz.) Net: Monday at 1945L 3.965 MHz 2 meter Net – via repeaters 1st Monday at 2000L 145.450MHz. – 2nd Monday at 2000L 146.640 MHz. – (pl 88.5 Hz.) 3rd Monday at 2000L 146.76 MHz. – (pl 107.2 Hz.) 4th Monday at 2000L 145.150 MHz. – (pl 107.2 Hz.) 5th Monday at 2000L 146.925 MHz. – (pl 85.4 Hz.) [When there are 5 Mondays in a month.]
        • Siskiyou County Thursdays at 7:30 PM on 3.987 MHz. LSB, 147.260+ MHz. FM (PL123.0), and 146.550 MHz. FM Simplex. Visiting ARES Stations and others EMCOMM stations are welcome.
        • Trinity County TCARC/ARES Net Wednesdays at 7:30 PM on 146.730(-600) – (85.4) Trinity County Amateur Radio Club/ARES Net. Monitor 146.73 Simplex if repeater out of service.

      TRINITY COUNTY ARES MONITOR FREQUENCIES: Members are encouraged to MONITOR when practical during Emergencies

      • 146.73-(85.4), 146.925-(85.4), 146.835-(85.4), 146.88 (85.4), 146.52, 146.55, 146.49, 146.43
      • CB Channel 09- 27.065mhz AM,
      • VHF Marine – Ch. 16
      • TCSO- 155.115, 154.86, 154.92; CHP- 42.440, 42.280, 42.34; CalTrans- 47.1, 47.080; USFS- 171.575, 164.125, 164.825; CDF- 151.325, 151.160, 151.295; TRICOM- 154.785; WVL FIRE- 154.43; MedNet- 463.125, 463.050; S&R- 155.160; TCRoad- 156.015; TC GenSvc- 154.160;
      • WX-24hr 162.55;
      • MURS- 154.57,154.600; Note:TC Gen.Svcs 154.60
      • FRS- Channel 1 (no tone) 462.5625;
      • WVL Unicom- 122.700(AM),
      • ARES- HF SSB; 3987 kHz (+ or -) LSB is the primary HF frequency. 7232 kHz (+ or -) LSB is the secondary HF frequency.; 1982 kHz (+ or -) LSB is the alternate nighttime HF frequency.
      • CA ACS/OES- : 3992, 7230, & 1987 kHz




VHF/UHF/HF Emergency Frequency List — 1 Comment

  1. Very Nice List. Thank you for providing this. I travel to the area twice each year with my family, and this will be reassuring. I will be adding some of these to my radios. What is the most commonly used repeater in the area?

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